Congregational Board
Congregational Board
The Congregational Board is responsible for the management of the Congregation’s Finances and Funds, maintenance of Church Properties and Stewardship and Fund-raising. Members of the Congregational Board comprise of all the Elders of Kirk Session and elected members from the Congregation.
Rev Margaret McArthur
Tel 01389 849329
Clerk to the Board
Mrs Alison Wood
Tel 01389 841816
Mr C Noel Glen
Tel 01389 841706
Property Convenor
Mr Tom Darroch
Daily bible verse
And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.
—1 Thessalonians 2:13 (NIV)
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Our minister
Our minister is the Reverend Margaret McArthur.
You can call her on 01389 849329
Email her: Minister