Cardross Parish Church Cardross Parish Church icon

Latest news

Dear Friends

Dear friends,

As you all will know by now, Cardross is to welcome its new minister at a special service in the Church on Thursday at 7.30 pm. She is the Rev. Mrs Margaret McArthur, who comes from the Glasgow area where she has spent the last twelve years as minister of Fernhill and Cathkin. You will be welcome at that service.

I am very happy to be leaving you in her hands. The Church has waited a long time now for this moment, but I feel sure that the wait has been worthwhile and that Mrs McArthur is just right for Cardross.

I am of course sorry to be leaving you. The last five years have been an enriching experience for me and I have made many friends in that time. But of course the time has now come to bid ‘Farewell’ And as I do so, I would thank you for all the kindness shown to me and pray God’s richest blessing on the new minister, and on you all – Church and Community - in the months and years ahead. May God bless one an all.

David P Munro (Locum Minister)

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Martin Timmer on September 21 2015 at 10:54

Thank you very much and God bless you too.

Daily bible verse

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

—2 Peter 3:18 (NIV)

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Our minister

Our minister is the Reverend Margaret McArthur.

You can call her on 01389 849329

Email her: Minister